Our Club was established by Herbert Lincoln Gilmour and his son Keith Lincoln Gilmour in 1952. The Gilmours are football legends, particularly Keith, who established not only the Epping Eastwood Tigers but a number of other clubs as well as the Gladesville-Hornsby Football Association (GHFA).

There was no formal structure to the early Epping Eastwood Tigers Club nor elected officials at the very start. The Gilmours organised a few friendly games, in which 26 year old Keith played at Epping Oval in 1952. The team played as "Epping Eastwood".

Over the years the Club has grown and now has around 550 members run by a managing committee of volunteers.  However, the culture of the Club remains true to the values that the Gilmour’s established over 65 years ago - friendly games based on a love of football. 

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