Hello and welcome to football (soccer) at the Epping Eastwood Tigers. If you’re new to football or just new to our club, you might have a few questions. Here’s some of the most common ones.
What’s It All About? What Do You Do?
We organise teams to play football (soccer) in the local official competitions run by the North West Sydney Football (NWSF) Association. These competitions are officially sanctioned by the Football Australia (FA) and Football NSW (FNSW). Our teams range in ages from Minis (5 years old to 9 years old), Juniors (ages 10 to 16) and Seniors (Under 17/18, Under 21, All-Age, Over-35 and Over-45).
When Does It Happen?
The football season starts at the beginning of April and runs to the end of August. Teams usually start training in the pre-season towards the end of February or early March to prepare for the competition. We also conduct some pre-season practice games on the last three Sundays in March.
- Teams train once (or twice) a week on weekday afternoons (Minis and Juniors) or evenings (Seniors).
- Competitions games take place on Saturday mornings for Minis and Juniors or Saturday/Sunday afternoons for seniors or Sundays for all girls/women's teams.
When is Training?
Training for Minis (U6 to U9 teams) takes place on Wednesday afternoon at Boronia Park in Epping. Training sessions run for about an hour and usually start at 5:30pm. Junior teams (U10 to U16) train in the afternoons (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) at one of our training grounds (Epping Oval or Boronia Park) at a time determined by the team coach. Senior teams train in the evenings (Tue, Wed, or Thu).
I Don’t Know Anyone. Can My Child Just Join a Team? Can I Just Join a Team?
We are always looking for new players, especially in our younger teams (juniors and minis). We also have limited places in Senior teams. Just register and we will find a place in a team for you. Football is a great way to make new friends too.
In the (very rare) event that we somehow can’t fit you in, we will fully refund your registration and help you to find an appropriate team at another nearby Club. (We don’t want to lose you, so we try VERY HARD to fit you in).
My Child Doesn’t Speak English. Can He Still Play Football?
Yes, of course. We recognise that there are a lot of children in the Epping-Eastwood area who come from non-English speaking backgrounds. Football is a great way for them to meet new friends and helps them to learn English quickly. Since football involves watching and learning-by-doing, it’s easy for them to get fully involved and be part of the team, even if they start with no English at all.
Can I or My Child Play With Their Friends?
Epping Eastwood Tigers fields a large number of teams and frequently many in the one age group. This means wherever possible friends can choose to play together. For minis we encourage teams to come to the Club as a group of friends and stay playing together through their mini years. Similarly many of the senior groups have played together for many years.
How Much Does It Cost?
You pay a registration fee when you register. The cost varies depending on the age group. The registration fee covers costs such as hire of grounds, administration charges, insurance and all the other costs associated with running the competition.
You will need to purchase Club shorts and socks to play in, available from the Club. In addition, every player must have football boots and shin pads. You can get these from any sports store.
You pay for Registration Fees, shorts, socks, boots and shin pads. That’s it. There are no other ongoing fees or charges.
Do I Have to Help Out With Anything?
Yes! Our Club, like most others, is run by volunteers. But if everyone helps out, we all only have to do a little bit to make it run smoothly.
All parents of mini and junior players must help out once or twice during the season in our canteen (for an hour) or setting up the grounds on a Saturday morning. These are simple tasks and you don’t need to know anything about it to start with.
All senior teams are asked to staff the BBQ at Boronia Park and Epping Oval on a Saturday morning (usually twice per season for each team).
Every team needs a Manager to pass on emails/messages to the team and let them know where the games are and if there are any changes to training times or in case of wet weather. And of course to roster volunteers for canteen and grounds duty. You don’t need to know anything about football to be a successful Manager, you just need to be organised.
What About the Coach?
Of course, every team needs a Coach. We have many successful Coaches at the Tigers who started out as interested parents. We offer FA-accredited coaching courses (for free), and lots of coaching material and support if you think you’d like to learn to be a football coach. We especially encourage parents of our younger teams to take up the challenge. You don’t need to be a football superstar, just have a basic understanding of the game to start with.
At the Tigers, we make sure all our mini and junior teams receive the best coaching we can offer them. Whether the coach is a beginner in their first year of coaching, or a seasoned “expert”, we offer them extensive support, ideas, new material and back-up as part of our “Tigers’ Den” coaching team.
I have an important question you haven’t answered.
Come along to the Registration Information Day and talk to a member of our Management Committee. Or you can contact us through the website form. Or phone the Club President, Mr Scott McGoogan 0418 293 303. For registration enquiries, you can use the website form or phone the Registrar, Ms Phoebe Colman on 0458 268581.
How do I register?
Online registration is now compulsory for football throughout Australia. It is a relatively simple process. Please click on the "Registration" link in the Registration tab for full instructions. If you need help with your registration, would like to pay in cash or want to purchase shorts & socks, please contact us directly.